December Theme: Cultivating Inner Radiance

FREE ONLINE WORKSHOP @ Thursday 14th of December at 8pm CET

Make 2024 the first year of the rest of your life 🎄

No more “new year, new me” empty promises.

This month is not just about festivities and holiday cheer – it’s an opportunity to reflect on the past, set intentions for the future, and make meaningful changes in our lives. 

December is the perfect time to    illuminate the path to your true self. 🎅🏻

Mindfulness in the Midst of Chaos 🧘🏼‍♀️

The constant noise and demands of the external world makes it hard to figure out what we truly want, what our vision is, and how to feel a sense of purpose, excitement, and direction.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s important to practice mindfulness.

Reflect & Reset 🌈

Take a moment to reflect on the past year.

What lessons have you learned? 

What accomplishments are you proud of? 

Use this reflection to reset your mindset and set powerful intentions for the upcoming year.

What’s included in this Workshop:

Part 1:

✨ Reflect on the past year.

✨ Embrace the lessons.

✨ Integrate the wisdom.

✨ Fully release what no longer serves you.

Part 2: 

✨Set your visions for 2024.

✨Clarify your path.

✨ Take aligned action towards the year of your dreams.



Love Yourself Unconditionally




About me

♡ I’m a Certified Life & Career Coach, Holistic Practitioner, NLP Master, and Podcast Host.
♡ 5 + years of experience in the Self Development Industry.
♡ I specialize in Confidence, Limiting Beliefs, EFT Tapping, Fears & Subconscious Mastery.
♡ I’ve lived in more than 12 countries.

Are you ready to clear your chaos and create some magic in 2024?

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